Sunday, February 22, 2015

Ryan Holladay: To Hear This Music You Have to Be There. Literally.

Some of the best ideas in the world take a lifetime to tell, but it only took Ryan Holladay six minutes.  Holladay, a musician turned entrepreneur, has created an amazing endeavor with his brother, that is combining technology with the art of music.  To begin, Holladay received his inspiration from the Christo and Jean-Claude art piece that was temporally placed within New York’s Central Park entitled, “The Gates.”  Large orange flag-like objects flowed through the park like a river of creativity and inspired Holladay to create something of similar magnitude.  

With this inspiration in hand, Holladay and his brother decided to compose musical landscapes for specific locations in the world and these pieces would be made available via a mobile app.  On Memorial Day 2013, Holladay and his brother released, “The National Mall,” a musical composition that is mapped specifically for the National Mall located in the heart of Washington D.C.  Users of the app are able to listen to a specific composition that is created from the areas in which the individual walks.  This creates an interactive experience with the location by utilizing the art of music.

So, why is this so important?  This type of thinking is critical when it comes to the future of the music industry.  Innovation needs to be at the heart of every endeavor and industry professionals need to start embracing technology.  The “old guard” of the music business world has always had a tendency to see technology as the enemy, but in reality, it is keeping music alive.  Think about what Holladay and his brother just created, they created an app that translates the world around you into a symphony of sounds.  Think of what this technology could do for the blind as they walk through the areas that have been mapped with this engaging music.  Not only are they receiving a visceral experience, but an audible painting of the world around them.

I love when music can be implemented into aspects of the world you least expect.  It speaks to us in a universal language and is one of the few aspects that we all can relate to as humans.  That is why this specific TED talk by Ryan Holladay has made such an impact on me, because he has proven to me that the music world is becoming more prominent with technology like this.